You can obtain the binding table of the remote device by sending MGMT_bind_request command from the GW.
* @brief Send the command mgmt_bind_req.
* @param[in] dstNwkAddr - destination address of the request
* @param[in] pReq - parameter of mgmt_bind_req
* param[in] seqNo - the sequence number used by this command
* @param[in] indCb - the indicate callback for mgmt_bind_rsp
* @return Status
zdo_status_t zb_mgmtBindReq(u16 dstNwkAddr, zdo_mgmt_bind_req_t *pReq, u8 *seqNo, zdo_callback indCb);
Regarding the issue of captcha,i will forward it to the administrator.
I suggest you create a topic in the user feedback section to track this issue.